
Monique Salazar Logo Banner

I help women feel in control of their lives after pain, trauma & abuse, so they can be compassionate & confident women.

Does this sound like you...?

  • Do you feel trapped in self-doubt, unable to shake feelings of unworthiness no matter how hard you try?
  • Are you constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop, expecting the worst to happen?
  • Do you struggle to prioritize yourself & always put others needs first?
  • Are you haunted by past traumas and abuse, feeling like they define and dictate your present reality?
  • Do you feel stuck in survival mode?
  • Are you exhausted from the hustle and grind, feeling like you're always trying to be perfect but never feeling good enough?
  • Do you find yourself always thinking about past traumas, unable to break free and have peace of mind?

Then this 3 Day experience is for you! Inside these 3 days you'll...

  • Explore the roots of your "victim" mindset so that you can break free from it & gain control of your life.
  • Engage in somatic exercises to reconnect with your body and release stored trauma.
  • Practice inner child work to connect and nurture your younger self, offering her the love and validation she may have been missing.
  • Practice breaking limiting beliefs and negative self-talk into empowering affirmations and truths.
  • Dive into your fears and anxieties, tracing them back to childhood wounds and unmet needs.
  • Explore slowing down as an act of rebellion against the hustle culture and a pathway to reclaiming your feminine energy.
  • Dive into the four survival responses (fight, flight, freeze, fawn) and learn how to gently guide yourself back to safety and presence.

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