Hormones and Metabolism

Hormone & Metabolism Support

I did every diet & knew there had to be a better way...

My name is Monique and I am a female hormone and metabolism expert who use to own a woman’s gym back in Illinois.

But before that I tried every diet and started when I was a kid. I hated my body Growing up I never felt in control of my weight or eating.

I grew up with a severe eating disorder and found a healthy way when I walked into my first Zumba class.

I lost 20lbs, but then it started coming back. So I went back to eating less and gained it all back, again!

This was at the same time...

I started teaching Zumba classes and raising 3 kiddos. I’d lost weight and gained it so many times I felt lost.

This is when I decided to open my own gym and start learning more about food and fitness.

From 2016 to today, I’ve studied female hormones, metabolism, food, fitness and inner child work!

I’ve helped over 1,000 women balance their mind & body without the b.s.

I show women how to work with their mind, body & metabolism.

Past images of Monique

Hormone Hub Facebook Group Screenshot

The Hormone Hub!

Natural Hormone & Weight loss Support for women over 35!

If you're a woman feeling uncomfortable in her body & nothing you do is working, I got you.

Join me inside The Hormone Hub!

This private group is full of FREE trainings on how to NATURALLY balance your hormones and feel better in your body!

See ya there!

Happy Clients

Rachel testimonial headshot

"The tools I have now bc of the challenge will be my new go to for life! No more diets and deprivation... no more exclusion and fads... no more beating myself up bc of failed attempts and guilt bc of a Pops beef and fries!"

Sandra w/ family screenshot

"I am healthier today both physically and mentally. At 46 years old I think I am in the best shape I have ever been. There are still more goals that need to be accomplished but definitely feeling great and confident."

Pat headshot

"This is a life style for me now. I learned how to do what I can when I can but the food is always consistent. If I fall off today, tomorrow is always a new day. I finally GOT IT!!!! With my weight loss I am no longer on diabetic medication and or high cholesterol medication."

The P*ssy Power Project 12-Week Program

This 12-week program is for women who want to lose weight naturally, gain energy, understand their hormones & feel sexy in their skin w/out dieting!

P Power Program Banner

Together we focus on 3 key areas:

  • Boosting your natural hormones.
  • Resetting your metabolism.
  • Leading your life with PLEASURE!

This means eating the foods you love in a healthy way, so you don't feel restricted.

Wearing the clothes you want and make you feel sexy, so you embrace every part of you as a woman. 

And it works because I help you create a lifestyle that heals your hormones and metabolism without confusion.

This program takes an opposite approach of dieting and instead focuses on you enjoying your body, feeling proud in it and understanding how it works.

Unlike other programs that cut calories and force long workouts and we help you learn what you love and what gets lasting results…

I show ladies how to use a 4M method that looks at their meals, mindset, movement and metabolism. This way we lower stress in the body and it releases fat naturally.

Once our metabolism is out of stress mode and getting what it needs, we make sure to keep our H.E.C. in check. A simple way to balance your metabolism and stop stressing over every calorie.

You’ll create more time in your life by getting rid of everything that is not working and I’ll help you make adjustments each week, so you know exactly what to do next. We’ll take out all the guessing and show you how to listen to your body and what it needs.

Once you have your 4M’s balanced and your H.E.C. we’ll move onto feeling more pleasure in every area of your life.

This means doing the inner work that is required to lose weight, keep it off and feel in control of your mind, body and soul.

If this is what you are looking for, schedule a time below and fill out the application and we will see if this program is a good fit for you. I can't wait to talk to you!

Other ways I can support you...

Three Day Gut Health Program Banner

This Three-Day Gut Health Plan is designed to help you start improving your gut health.

Purchase for ONLY $19.99

Cookbooks and Recipes Banner

Over 250 recipes that will assist in balancing your hormones and keeping your HEC in Check.

Includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and smoothies with sample meal calendars and shopping lists.

Purchase for ONLY $59.99

*** Over $130 Value! ***

The Pleasure Portal Program Banner

The Pleasure Portal is a 6-month intensive to dive into your deepest female desires, wants and needs. 

This 6-month container is 1-on-1 private coaching for powerful women who want to continue their journey into their deep feminine energy.

*** Prerequisite: ***
Recommend completing The P*ssy Power Project 12-Week Program first, but not required.

More Happy Clients

Check out what my clients have said about their experience!

How Jeanelle stopped working out to lose weight.

How Ronda lost 7 lbs in my 21 day reset!

How Rachel went from restricting & not fitting in her clothes to... losing several pants sizes!

"Once you start making the smaller changes, you realize they snowball into bigger ones."

My Products Available Products
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