30-Day Mind & Metabolism Reset

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How to lose 7 -10 lbs. naturally & fit back in your clothes w/out restricting & instead have fun!...

30-Day Mind & Metabolism Reset

Join the 30-Day Mind & Metabolism Reset for only $197!

Does this sound familiar?

  • You’ve tried everything to lose weight, gain energy & get healthy, but it always comes back and now you just want to feel comfortable & healthy regardless of the scale.
  • Your body is changing, you no longer fit in your clothes or feel comfortable in your body.
  • You’re tired of restricting, having cravings and feeling exhausted after 5pm.
  • You’re ready to prioritize yourself & your health without guilt.
  • You know something needs to change, but you’re confused w/ all the information out there.

I hear you & use to feel the same & so did my clients...


Rachel went from restricting, gaining weight & not fitting in her clothes in her 40's to... losing several pants sizes, toning her arms & zero dieting!!!    

I did every diet & knew there had to be a better way...

My name is Monique, and I am a female hormone and metabolism expert who use to own a woman’s gym back in Illinois.

But before that I tried every diet and started when I was a kid. I hated my body Growing up I never felt in control of my weight or eating.

I grew up with a severe eating disorder and found a healthy way when I walked into my first Zumba class.

I lost 20lbs, but then it started coming back. So I went back to eating less and gained it all back, again!

This was at the same time...

I started teaching Zumba classes and raising 3 kiddos. I’d lost weight and gained it so many times I felt lost.

This is when I decided to open my own gym and start learning more about food and fitness.

From 2016 to today, I’ve studied female hormones, metabolism, food, fitness and inner child work!

I’ve helped over 1,000 women balance their mind & body without the b.s.

I show women how to work with their mind, body & metabolism.

This is why I created this 30-Day Challenge!

This 30-Day Mind & Metabolism Reset is about...

  1. 30 Days of mindset questions to keep you motivated and focused. We’re going deep into what has held you back & stopped you from reaching your goals in the past.

  2. 30 days of guided movements for more energy, improved sleep, focus & hormonal balance.

  3. Weekly check ins & coaching videos to stay motivated and on track for 30 days.

  4. Group support from women just like you, experiencing a similar journey. Never feel lost or alone.

  5. My 4M method to balance meals, mindset, movement & metabolism and understand your body.

Join the 30-Day Mind & Metabolism Reset for only $197!

What can I hope to achieve in 30 days?

  • LOSE up to 10 lbs. naturally by resetting your metabolism and fueling it so it releases fat and works for you!

  • Understand how to eat without dieting and how consistent healthy habits create a lifestyle change.

  • GET OUT OF BAGGY CLOTHES And wear the clothes you want with confidence!

  • BECOME A HEALTHY ROLE MODEL for your kids and have more energy to play with them without feeling awful.

  • BOOST YOUR NATURAL HORMONES and take control of your body without medication.

  • SPEND LESS MONEY ON MEDS & DOCTORS! Heal your body naturally & give it everything it’s been missing! Avoid future health problems!

Successful women just like you...

"I almost feel in a state of shock. I can't believe it, the numbers on scale were going down and my mouth was dropping."

- Jen L.

"I broke down and went shopping yesterday. I needed new jeans I bought a SIZE 8!!!! ! HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE WORE A SIZE 8!!!! I literally started crying and the lady was like are you ok. It was the best feeling in the world. I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me in this journey. I could not have accomplished the things I have without your guidance."

- Trina H.

"In the past 4 months, I have lost so much. 

  • 20.6 pounds 
  • 10 inches from my hips, waist, chest, thighs 
  • 14.75 inches all over 
  • imposter syndrome 
  • crippling anxiety 
  • daily muscle relaxer 

But I've also GAINED so much. 

  • body confidence 
  • better eating habits 
  • better skin 
  • more movement 
  • more energy"

- Val H.

Join the 30-Day Mind & Metabolism Reset for only $197!

Inside the 30-day Mind & Metabolism reset you get...

  • My 4M method to balance your meals, mindset, movement and metabolism and lose 1 to 3 lbs. of fat each week. ($499 value)

  • Weekly check ins to make sure you’re hitting your goals, staying accountable and on track. ($499 value)

  • Delicious family friendly recipes to fuel your metabolism, gain energy & options to eat out & eat through the holidays! ($99 value)

  • Fun daily exercises that are quick, easy & can be done in under 20 mins. ($99 value)

  • My SECRET Metabolism Reset to reduce cravings, increase energy and finally lose weight AND KEEP IT OFF! ($499 value)

*** A $1700 Value ***

ONLY $197!

Join the 30-Day Mind & Metabolism Reset for only $197!

Bonus 1

Let‘s Talk About Sex Workshop

4 Day Sex Workshop w/Monique & relationship expert Yael Dubin on the art of good sex, connecting with your partner, P*ssy Power & The Pleasure Goddess within.

(Value: $199)

Bonus 2

Metabolic Cookbook

Over 65 recipes that are specifically designed to help women balance their metabolism.

Includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, sides, snacks and desserts.

(Value: $99)

Sign up and get Both Bonuses!

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I go on vacation during the 30 days?

I am human and so are you. Life will get in the way, but it's no reason to stop. In fact, I require you to work through tough times because they will happen again. Use these moments to come back to why you started, do what you can and ask for help in our private group. Avoid ghosting and instead ask for help. This is how we make it a life change and stay consistent once and for all!

What if I fall behind or miss a day?

First, you're never behind. It'll feel that way, but you can always get back on track. I've also added massive support with coaching calls, a private group and daily reminder emails to keep you on track!

Why is this different than everything else I’ve tried and how do I know it’ll work?

My 30-day program is the opposite of everything out there. Instead of starving, you’ll eat more and move more. No insane pills, work outs or b.s. I want you to have control of your body, no starve it. A huge part of why I created this was for women to feel more pleasure, fun and happiness at any size. And ditch dieting forever! With a more flexible metabolism you’ll be kicking @$$ in your 60's!

Could this be too good to be true?

No worries if you're not ready to jump in and need time. But, if you do decide to join the 30-day Reset, here's what's in store for you:

  • Lose up 10lbs in a month, so you can feel sexy in your clothes and confident in your skin. No more hiding behind baggy clothes or avoiding mirrors! You'll feel confident at social events and feel totally in control of your eating habits.
  • Gain energy to run around with your kiddos all year long while also making time for rest and yourself.
  • Begin to crush your weight loss goals in just 30 days, w/out starving yourself. Say bye-bye to belly fat!
  • Reduce medications, lose fatigue, impress your doctor, understand your body and hormones!
  • Develop a better relationship with food and learn how to eat mindfully. No more starving just to gain weight back. You'll finally feel at peace with your body.

10 Modules

START PLANNING YOUR WEEKS HERE: How to Plan, Prepare & Pivot movements & workouts.

Modules for this product 10
Join the 30-Day Mind & Metabolism Reset for only $197!

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